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Tuesday 13th of June, 2023


Education + New education subjects

Just like the everyday national news bulletins, Education is often used as a subliminal means of indoctrination the population at large. The way History is taught, the words used in defining anything foreign and the authorised media focus, are all an inclusive sophisticated package meant to define “us” and “them”... and “some of them”, rather than us as citizens of our small world, and individually important in our own personal role in contributing towards the betterment of Humanity.

But Politics aside, the Educational system used in most countries tends to prepare the student for a job, or specific professions, ignoring the need to also prepare the person for life in general… how society works, choices, and the why of so many things we may depend upon as we go through life.

The current Education systems also assumes that the average parent is an able tutor, rather than an individual obsessed with making ends meet, maybe too tired at the end of each day, or simply unfit for the responsibility!

The Education given by the State has to be free and available for all, while also capable of filling in the gaps left by those less than ideal home/family conditions. An additional subject called “LIFE” should be part of any curriculum, aimed at preparing the student for the most likely life scenarios, about our world and our role in it, regardless of Race, Ethnicity, Colour or Religion.

One of the most important parts in the Education of a child however is often ignored and grossly underfunded. Pre-School Education… often considered as little more than a creche or babysitting facility to help working parents (ran by under qualified people), when in fact, the experience any child will gain during Pre-School years will determine their future social attitude towards others, their place in society, and their Academic performance, without having to sacrifice Playtime in favour of learning ABC- 123, etc.

University/College or further Education in any field should also be free and available to all, providing their academic results will justify the State’s further investment. All Students in non-adult Educational Institutions should wear specific Uniforms, not to be seen as socially privileged, or less privileged.

Finally, while funding may vary as with the performance results of each educational Institution, the quality standards of equipment and premises should remain equal in all.