Although modestly starting by promoting the written works of TONY AMCA, we aim to eventually provide a platform that will help promote other Writers of every Genre, and maybe further evolve into an alternative point of exposure for all Art forms.
The Plastic Cheese Trilogy…
Like so many in the Easter Mediterranean, Julian Christos and a bunch of friends from school days found the Syrian Civil War to be the easiest way to a good life, beyond dangerous dingy crossings and gun supplies. They specialised in providing safe passage to Europe (or the Americas) for those on any side wanting to escape the Syrian Regime, ISIS, or indeed any others able to afford his fees!
After years of keeping a cool head pretending to be an Aid Worker in Lesvos however, he falls in love head-over-heels with a young Saudi girl who’s father was shadily involved with both ISIS as well as the Syrian Regime. His cushy and well-sorted life suddenly became complicated and soon ended up involving his entire network of old friends scattered around the world…, and before long, they all find themselves on the run, with ISIS hot on their trail, determined to make them pay for a few dares…
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